Friday, January 2, 2009

Korean production of XANADU releases OST

The Korean production of the broadway musical Xanadu will be releasing the OST today (15 Oct). Super Junior members Kang-in and Kim Hee Chul appear in the musical; they are both currently performing in the show. You will be able to download the OST from Korean Online music sites and enjoy Xanadu tracks like Suddenly and Don't Walk Away in Korean! 

Both Kangin and Hee Chul play the lead role Sonny who falls for the immortal goddess Kira. So Kangin is Hee Chul's understudy and vice versa. ;-) They take turns.

The producers of Xanadu licensed the exclusive South Korean-language rights of the show for two years to Tin Tin Entertainment. So if you are in South Korea, catch Xanadu, featuring Super Junior members as the lead.